Brand Story

Having A Day is a leisure activity lifestyle brand that is intended to be part of your best days. It connects your passion for life to the leisure activities shared with your favorite people.

Having A Day is a declaration, a mindset, and an action. This happens when you are present in the moment, enjoying a day to the fullest extent. It can be a planned event, declared at the start of the day, or spontaneously throughout.


Having A Day brand gives you the chance to express this feeling in clothing and accessories that fit the moment. The brands founder would often use the saying that he was “having a DAY” when surrounded by friends and family- whether at tailgates, the beach, or just grilling.  He put the phrase on a hat, and it was a hit. Family, friends and strangers loved it, and so began the business of connecting people to their best days and making memories. 


What experiences do you share with your friends and family that bring you this feeling?

  • A day at the beach – you are Having A Day
  • Game day at your alma matter – you are Having A Day
  • Friendly afternoon Pickleball match – you are Having A Day
  • Grabbing brunch with your friends – you are Having A Day
  • Golfing at your favorite course – you are Having A Day
  • Celebrating a birthday – you are Having A Day


Bottom line - having a memorable day is an experience.  No one activity defines it.  Now you can express it with Having A Day clothing and accessories.  We’ll be right there with you.